06 July 2011

When I Think About Independence

We live in an amazing country.

There are men and women who die every day defending my freedom.  I sit here now, a few days after our Independence Day, next to the woman I love.  And I am free to love her.  I am free to go to Pride celebrations and to celebrate when a state decides that it should be okay to have marriage equality.  I am free to live where I do, to go to concerts, to earn money and spend it on whatever I want...although it mostly goes to bills.

I am free.  I am proud to be an American.  And I honor those who allow me these privileges.

Even though there are times when we are treated like second class citizens, I am still proud to be an American.  For all the rights we don't have, we still have more than most.

Hope everyone had a fun and safe July 4th!